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Join the Expedition

An around-the-world quest to ride with nature and try to protect it.

Bringing together adventurers, surfers, kiters, freedivers, wingfoilers, scientists & environmental communicators.







Read through the FAQ




The Boat

The expedition vessel is a Lagoon 380 catamaran. She's ocean-going, self-sufficient with solar power, equipped with high-speed satellite internet, and offers the comfort of a floating apartment on the sea.

The Crew & You!

If you join the boat for a few weeks you'll be in the company of Captain Tim and First Mate Mitchelle who have 10+ years of combined cruising experience. You'll be part of a crew who are excited to share life and adventure on the water. Read the FAQ for more about what's involved.



Launch in Greece 

Balearic Islands

Sicily + Sardinia

Canary Islands

Cape Verde


 Atlantic crossing

Barbados + Tobago  February

2 crew spaces remaining

A tropical surf mission. Chasing some of the best rides the Caribbean has to offer and creating a short film about threats to the waves and their surrounding environments.

March  Tobago

2 crew spaces remaining

Surf, kite, freedive, fishing, and continuing our environmental film.

Antigua & Barbuda  April 

Crew spaces remaining

Kite and wing foil paradise.

May  Grenadines

Crew spaces remaining

Kite, surfing, wing foil, and freediving. 

Extended itinerary details coming soon



Aruba, Bonaire + Curaçao


Costa Rica

French Polynesia




Cook Islands



Solomon Islands

Papua New Guinea

Itinerary details beyond 2026 as follows

Indian Ocean 

Indonesia & SE Asia


Note: When you fill out the application form you can express your interest in a particular leg of the expedition or you can select multiple! If you decide to join the boat we'll coordinate with you to plan where to meet you and when.


  • Is it a yacht charter?
    No, it is not. There is no commercial aspect to the expedition voyage itself. You will be joining as part of the crew and there are no paid staff. The yacht is operated privately for pleasure by Captain Tim and First Mate Mitch.
  • Who is the Expedition suited to?
    “Planet Earth is incredible, and life is short! The Water People Expedition is about seizing the moment — passionately exploring, riding, and protecting the oceans and coastlines of the world.” If that resonates with you then you're a great fit!
  • What experience level is required?
    No sailing experience required. The core crew are capable of sailing the vessel independently but you will be required to share boat duties as part of the team. No surfing/kiting experience is required to join the expedition but doing those activities from the boat will require you to be already competent unless you are accompanied by an instructor. For some legs of the expedition we will give preference to those suited to the activities offered by a particular region.
  • What is it like to be a crew member?
    You can typically expect to be one of 3-6 people onboard. Atmosphere is adventurous and happy. The boat is spacious, clean, and with a mix of shared and private spaces. Sailing is led by the permanent crew, Tim and Mitch, but all crew will be taught the boat and play an active role in journeys. The crew pursues a shared goal of finding moments to ride and flow with the elements. Depending on the location and weather this could be chasing waves for surfing, spots for kiting, reefs to freedive, or we might even a go for a sporty sail. When Mother Nature or the boat say "No" then other activities can include hikes, swims and relaxing on the boat. The Captain's word is final on weather and safety related decisions. Sometimes you'll want to just kick back and chill on the boat... and that's fine! We'll be very much living with the elements and surrounded by nature, and of course we want to protect this place which gives us so much. In each expedition region we'll typically explore a story from the place we visit or the people we meet. We'll be documenting this through various multimedia forms and sharing through our Protect initiative. You can choose to participate in this or to relax on your own speed. During your time aboard the boat it will be our shared home and we'll take care of it together. Things like cooking and cleaning are rotated between all crew. This is 'slow travel' and we discover the places together. Most crew are recommended to stay for about 3 weeks (or more). This allows time to live on the boat, a chance to score some rides, to get your sailing dialled and to get the most out of the experience.
  • Should I bring my own gear?
    Yes. There will be some water toys on the boat but better to bring your own stuff. Boards, wetsuits, kites, harnesses, mask, fins... bring them!
  • Is it safe?
    Captain Tim and First Mate Mitch are experienced ocean sailors and keep the boat well-equipped and well-maintained. Any activity, particularly a sport in the ocean, will carry a risk of injury or worse. The boat is equipped with medicines, first aid equipment, and satellite communications. You must carry insurance which includes repatriation.
  • How much does it cost?
    We share the expenses of running the expedition between the people onboard. If you have an idea of how long you would like to join for then send us an email and we can confirm the cost.
  • How can I apply?
    Complete the application form linked at the bottom of the page.


Ready to join?

Application is free and just takes just a few minutes.

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